See below for more information on the Remedies for Health team:


Lisa Fricker
Homeopath Qualification: DSH RSHOMS


‘Our emotional and physical wellbeing is a vital  balance that we need to nurture,  in order to try to steer away dis-ease from within when out of balance.  Homoeopathy, an age old, highly effective healing process will gently, holistically and individually restore this balance, triggering our body’s own healing process to begin.’ 


My working life began in London in the busy private sector.  Eventually realising that this was not for me, I  decided to embark on an adventure living and working in Australia.  Some years later after returning from Australia I settled down and started family.  An opportunity arose to work with children at Pre-school and Primary School, supporting many children and then on an individual basis with children with special needs, both very rewarding roles. Through the poor health of my first child, I began my fascinating relationship with Homeopathy. This led to my awakening to the possibility that I might actually become a Homeopath.  I qualified in 2017 at the South Downs School of Homeopathy,in Chichester University, then practiced at a Clinic in Rye and  am currently practicing in a private therapy room in Peasmarsh, Rye. 


PRICES for private appointments:-


Adults first appointment   £60 

Follow up appointment     £45  

Children first appointment £55 

Follow up appointment     £40  


To book an appointment call Lisa on:- 0774 888 34750 or email




Nicola Woodcock
Homeopath Qualification: MARH


I am a Homeopath, using Flower Essences and the Tera Mai™ Energy Healing system, working from my home in Northiam, East Sussex.
 I am an avid supporter and believer in natural health care and the dance between the material world, while at our core being an energy system that is constantly changing with the environment in which we live.
I came across Homeopathy in the late 80’s to help me through an intense period of grief and later in the early 90’s with my son’s chronic eczema.  This was a turning point for me.  My awe at the rapid and gentle transformation of my son’s health set me on the road to find out what Homeopathy was all about.
I trained at The Classical College and the Lakeland College of Homeopathy graduating in 2006.  While at Lakeland College I also studied the Alaskan Flower Essences, with Steven Johnson, founder, in the raw and natural splendour of Alaska.  This was the most incredible experience and brought the energy of the flowers, animals and environments we were learning about to life in a way that will stay with me forever.  The Tera Mai ™ Energy Healing system has been a more recent training and has brought another dimension to my understanding of health and well being.


Prices are; £60 for an initial consultation and follow up appointments are £45 for adults

            £55 for an initial consultation and follow up appointments are £40 for children 
             These prices include the cost of remedies and postage.


Tera Mai™ Energy Healing is £65 and each session usually lasts 1 hour.
To book an appointment please call 07779 272297 or email





Sarah Jewell
Homeopath Qualification: LCHE


I am a qualified homeopath and studied at the London College of Homeopathic Education, and have recently set up my practice at the Moorling’s Wellbeing Centre in Tenterden as well as Rye. Homeopathy has always been my passion and I have always wanted to share with others what an extraordinary system of healing it is. I believe natural healing as the best medicine for our bodies. Homeopathy has been the most inspirational discovery of my life starting over 30 years ago with an evening class run by Colin Griffith, a well renowned homeopath and author, and realised this was exactly what I was missing in my health care; a system of medicine that was natural, had no side effects, and could treat most ailments with great results. It was after this that in 1996 I went on to study at college, a life changing experience learning from and studying with inspirational tutors who I will be forever grateful to.


My enthusiasm for homeopathy has grown over the years treating family and private patients, my children have never had antibiotics as homeopathy has always treated their ailments successfully. I have treated private patients with many success stories and now more than ever feel the need to shine a light on its benefits to everyone. Myself and family have been seeing a homeopath for 30 years now and it has worked fantastically for us and feel excited to be in a position now to share it with others. 


To book an appointment please call Sarah on 0775 687 3487 or email


Prices are: £60 for an initial consultation and £45 for follow up consultations for adults. 

                £55 for an initial consultation and £40 for follow up consultation for children.





Diana Hajikakou
Admin, Finance & General health Advice


There were originally four founding members of Remedies For Health.  Sadly Diana, our team coordinator, financial director, dear friend and colleague passed away in April 2022. She had a lot of input in to the creation of our support group and Drop In Clinic. She always had ideas that we hadn’t thought of and kept us on our path. Diana will be sadly missed and frequently thought of within our practice.